Who we are

Who we are

Danse Transition is composed of a General Assembly, an Executive Committee,  an Office and a Grant Awarding Committee, bringing together experts from the fields of dance and professional orientation.

The Committee

Carole Christe - president

Master in Gender Studies on the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance at La Manufacture in 2019, engaged for a PhD in Sociology of Artistic Work at the University of Lausanne. In the past she was an intern at Corodis (Commission Romande de Diffusion des Spectacles) and currently collaborates with theaters and dance companies such as Prototype Status/Jasmine Morand and the Compagnie Diane Muller.

Aline Müller Guidetti - vice president

Psychologist FSP-psy4work, in charge of a work psychology practice in Lausanne. She is specialized in professional orientation and transition, as well as in individual and collective support around issues related to the world of work.  She is particularly interested in the interactions between health, work and ecology. She practices dance as an amateur and has taught modern jazz.

Ivan Pittalis

Informations coming up soon

Caroline Lam

Professional dancer, state diploma for teaching contemporary dance, and Swiss professional teaching. Performer, notably for the Company Linga, Gisela Rocha, Marie Caroline Hominal. She received a scholarship from Danse Transition in 2009 and is now a certified Pilates Institute instructor and assistant teacher in the CFC dancer-performer program, with a focus on contemporary dance. In parallel, she continues to develop her choreographic research and her activity as a dancer-performer. 

Morgane Akermann

Accountant and manager for several theater and dance companies since 2018, as well as case manager for the Fondation d'Aide Sociale et Culturelle du Canton de Vaud. She studied in the Faculty of Theology and History of Religions at the University of Lausanne, while training in cultural accounting with her family's trust company. 

Lawrence Rigg

Danseur professionnel au Zurich Ballet, Ballet du Capitole à Toulouse, Victor Ullate à Madrid et Ballet Béjart Lausanne. Boursier de Danse Transition en 2022, aujourd’hui enseignant diplômé. Il a enseigné au CFC de la Ballettschule Theater à Bâle jusqu’à sa fermeture. Aujourd’hui pédagogue au Conservatoire Populaire de Genève, il est également invité dans des compagnies notamment le Béjart Ballet ou le Ballet Preljocaj, et des écoles professionnelles telles que la Royal Ballet School et European Ballet School Amsterdam.

Javier Casado Suarez

Danseur professionnel, a commencé la danse classique et le travail de danse inclusive avec des personnes porteuses de handicap en 2004. Formé en suite à l’école Rudra Béjart, puis danseur pour le Ballet Béjart où il interprète plusieurs rôles de différents répertoires. Boursier de Danse Transition en 2023, aujourd’hui professeur diplômé d’État à l’enseignement de la danse classique. Depuis, il enseigne à l'AFJD à Lausanne, il continue sa recherche en tant que danseur, organise des stages et des cours privés.

Bruno Roy

Monté sur le podium aux Championnats de France à l’âge de 13 ans, avec la 3ème place, il se forme en danse au Jeune Ballet de Rosella Hightower et obtient en parallèle une licence en mathématiques. Soliste au Grand Théâtre de Genève, est également invité à danser au Gala des Étoiles du Théâtre des Champs-Elysées à Paris, Miami, Montréal et New-York, ainsi qu’avec le groupe de Roberto Bollé and Friends à Turin. Boursier de Danse Transition en 2009, aujourd’hui actuaire, à la Caisse de Pension de l’État de Genève.

Vittorio Bertolli

Diplômé à Rudra Béjart en 2002, ensuite danseur professionnel, entre autres, au Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Teatro alla Scala di Milano, David Zambrano, DaMotus!, Cie Philippe Saire. Boursier de Danse Transition en 2017, obtient deux Masters en Sciences de la Danse à l’Université de Berne, et au Trinity Laban Conservatoire de Londres. Maître de ballet et assistant de production au Luzerner Theater et Opernhaus Zürich, actuellement enseignant de danse contemporaine aux professionnel.le.s en Suisse et internationalement. En parallèle organise et participe aux démarches de recherche scientifiques et pédagogiques dans le domaine de la danse en Suisse et en Italie. Occasionnellement continue son activité d’interprète.  

The office

Sara Buncic, General Secretary 

Professional dancer with a certificate of choreographic studies from Le Marchepied in Lausanne and CFC of commercial employee. Teacher in contemporary dance and since 2015 choreographer and administrator of the Cie Elidé. In 2016, she also graduated in massage therapy. Previously project manager at the Office of Culture of Morges, currently general secretary of the association Danse Transition. Sara is part of the board of the International Organisation for the Transition of Professional Dancers as secretary. 


Anaïs Glérant, Introduction to professional life courses

Anaïs Glérant, dancer, choreographer and certified state teacher, regularly engages as a contemporary dance instructor within the French-speaking region of Switzerland. Additionally, she has overseen the training of young performers at the AFJD in Lausanne over the course of 5 years. She is currently a guest lecturer for the SAE selection courses in Geneva. Since 2022, she has provided introductory courses on professional life for Danse Transition to professional dance schools in French speaking region of Switzerland.She is a dancer and performer, notably for the And Dialect, Marie-Caroline Hominal and the Woman’s Move Collective. Today, Anaïs continues her choreographic activities in collaboration with the director Benjamin Knobil and the Cie SADA, among others.

Honorary president 

Susanne Jaillet

Danse Transition's founder and president from 1993 to 2010. Susanne Jaillet holds a MBA in cultural, social and environmental management. Corporate management consultant. Former Chief Human Resources Officer at a Computing Company. 

Honorary president - in memoriam

Philippe Braunschweig †

Honorary Chairman and Founder of the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers (IOTPD), Honorary Chairman and Founder of the Prix de Lausanne, Honorary Chairman and Founder of the Foundation of the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Honorary Chairman and Co-founder of the ASD (former Swiss association of dance professionals), degree in physics from the EPFZ, member of the Swiss academy of Technical Science. 

The Grant Awarding Committee

Natasha Gautier 

A professional career counsellor psychologist, she specializes in guiding adults through career management. She currently works at the Fribourg Career Guidance Service (SOPFA), where she offers individual support to anyone facing professional interrogations. With a sensitivity to art, she has completed basic training in art therapy and practices contemporary dance as an amateur.

Ramon Moraes

Human Program Support Specialist at Airbnb, a philanthropic initiative which allows guests to provide free temporary accomodation for people displaced by conflict, natural disasters or illness. BA in International Relations & MA in Leadership and Development, former dancer and Danse Transition Grant recipient.

Katrin Kolo

Degree in economics and master in transdisciplinarity in the arts. Former dancer and choreographer, director of the Theater Casino Zug, office manager of the Festspiele Zürich, co-director of the Tanzhaus Zürich, production manager of Joachim Schlömer projects, project manager. Coach and responsible for career transition workshops for professional dancers.